
Refund policy

Within the citb, mainly non-contracted care is provided. If you have a restitution policy, 100 per cent of treatment will be reimbursed.

For 2024, full restitution applies with Menzis and Aeavitea.

Asr offers a restitution policy. An authorisation policy applies with them.

Naturapolis, combination policy and personal contribution

If you have a naturapolis or combination policy when you register in 2024, please ask us what applies to you in terms of the personal contribution.

You can always call us and ask about this.

We can only accept limited patients with a budget policy. Here, too, we will see what we can do for you.

The system of health insurances, policies and reimbursements is complicated. For information about insurance, you can consult a website such as

Of course, you can also call or e-mail us if you have questions about insurance issues, general questions and questions about treatment. The secretariat can provide you with information.


We have a contract with DSW and Stad Holland: you can register regardless of which policy you have.

Claims processing

Citb applies treatment rates as set by the Dutch Healthcare Authority (NZA).

Payment agreement

Citb has a payment agreement with achmea, zilveren kruis, fbto, asr, de Amersfoortse, and vgz. Claims are processed through the insurers. However, it is possible that a personal contribution has been established with you, which you pay to us.

No payment agreement cz, menzis, aevitae and onvz: the monthly claims are sent to you.

Citb does not have a payment agreement with Cz, Aevitea, Onvz and Menzis. If you are insured with one of these insurers, you will receive the monthly bill (declaration) via the Citb. You then submit this invoice to your health insurer.

In the case of a restitution policy, the insurer will reimburse 100%.

Information on policies and payments by insurers

The percentage of the invoice that is reimbursed depends on the policy and policy conditions of the basic insurance. This varies greatly between insurers and policies.

Insurers often state that they reimburse 75%. This is often incorrect; they reimburse 75% of the ‘market rate’. In practical terms, this means that between 52% and 75% of the nza rate is reimbursed by the insurer.

If a co-payment has been established with you, from the monthly declarations invoiced to you by us, you pay what the insurance reimburses to you to citb. In all other cases, you pay the full declared amount to citb.

Feel free to call or email us if you have any questions about the monthly statement(s) sent to you.

Own contribution

The co-payment arrangement will be agreed with you and invoiced to you at the beginning of the treatment phase. This personal contribution is a


The CITB is an outpatient facility; you can visit us by appointment. We can be reached during office hours.

For acute, emergency help outside office hours, you can always visit the GP out-of-hours clinic in your area. There they can assess whether you should be referred to the 24-hour crisis service of the GGZ.

Waiting time

We aim to screen an application within 1 working week. Based on this screening, we determine whether you can be placed on our waiting list.

Currently, we have a waiting time of 4 to 8 weeks for intake. This depends on the demand for care, care intensity and the availability of our therapists. The intake procedure consists of 2-4 interviews.

There is no distinction between the waiting time of registration and citb treatment, as treatment starts after the intake procedure.


Kromme Mijdrechtstraat 110 1 hoog

1079LD, Amsterdam

Opening hours

Monday – friday

09:00 -17:00


020 – 737 19 89

If you have any questions feel free to contact us.

Fill in your details below and we will contact you as soon as possible.